Duo Sauer | Schliemann • ThePureVoiceAndTheDifferentDrum

Performance Saturday 6th of May | 20.00                                               ThePureVoiceAndThe DifferentDrum  • Duo Sauer | Schliemann Duet w/ Silvia Suaer and Wolfgang Schliemann With voice and percussions the Duo Sauer | Schliemann draws a musical bow from crude archaic intensity to impressive musical delicacy. Their improvisational collaboration started 2013, also occasionally performing with Eiko Yamada (recorder) und…

Etoile Chaville & Julian Datta — Announced After

Performance Saturday 6th of May | 20.00                                               Announced After Duet w/ Etoile Chaville and Julian Datta In a given space-time-framework, our goal is to let a valid piece of art create itself. The content is not pre-planned. We want to let go of our ideas about the world, as well as of pre-conceived aesthetic models,…

Minusch • Birds & Noises

Performance Saturday 6th of May | 20.00                                               Birds & Noises Solo Tickets More information coming soon! Tickets <<back to Performances

Alessio Castellacci • Voicescaping

Performance Saturday 6th of May | 20.00                                               Voicescaping —  Rhythms | Textures Solo You are invited to join an intimate space of listening, where I follow impulses and see how they ask to be organized into pulsations and textural conglomerates. It is a sound-contemplative practice, which does not take as much into account the dramaturgical,…

EAT • Wer Wir Sind Was Wer Tun

Performance Friday 5th of May | 20.00                                               Together Again Ensemble w/ Peter Krempelsetzer, Kate Hilder and  Sten Rudstrøm Tickets WER WIR SIND WAS WIR TUN WER WIR SIND Wir sind 6 Leute zwischen 41 und 62 Jahren, sind deutsch, englisch, französisch, amerikanisch, estländisch. Wir kommen vom Theater, von der Musik, von der Literatur, vom Tanz,…

EAT • Together Again

Performance Friday 5th of May | 20.00                                               Together Again Ensemble w/ Peter Krempelsetzer, Kate Hilder and  Sten Rudstrøm EAT was intiated by Sten Rudstrøm in 2007. All of the members are Action Theater™ improvisation teachers and have studied extensively with Ruth Zaporah, founder/developer Action Theater. They meet on a quarterly basis to practice and perform.…

Streugut • Improvisation #17.3

Performance Friday 5th of May | 20.00                                               Improvisation #17.3 Ensemble w/ Martin Clausen, Alexander Frangenheim, Ingo Reulecke, Sten Rudstrøm, Zufit Simon In Streugut, we slam several media together: movement, speech, voice and a musical instrument. We eachcome from varied trainings; our approach and understanding of how to express a feeling state, mood, attitude and/or vibration…

WAH — Amorphous Alloy

Performance Friday 5th of May | 20.00                                               Amorphous Alloy Ensemble w/ Anja Weber, Jagna Anderson, Dodi Helschinger anja weber – dance, electronics, e-guitar jagna anderson – dance, voice dodi helschinger – voice, poetry, e-guitar Amorphous alloys are metallic materials with a glass-like structure and astonishing properties. Used as biomaterial for implantation into bones, metallic glass…

Theater Kreatür • Now Here

Performance Friday 5th of May | 20.00                                               Now Here Ensemble w/ Ursula Sapel, Marion Becker, Kristina Matthiesen, Felix Quadflieg, Markus Hoft, Nadine Portillo 6 Hanseatics, average age: 52 years, for 10 years… exploring what, who and where we are moved by body, soul and spirit on time/ not on time/ out of time in the…

BIT • Piece No. 1

Performance Thursday 4th of May | 20.00                                               Piece No. 1 Ensemble w/ Britta Pudelko, Ingo Reulecke and Thomas Gerwin. BIT — dance. music, minimalism – a table, three chairs, some other sounding objects. BIT treats dance, performance and music as equal, mutually interacting essences that go beyond simple portrayals to allow what takes place on…