Be Here Now!
14-16 February 2025 Weekend workshop in Action Theater™ Fundamentals EDEN***** Studios, Berlin-Pankow contact: info(at)
14-16 February 2025 Weekend workshop in Action Theater™ Fundamentals EDEN***** Studios, Berlin-Pankow contact: info(at)
Weekend Action Theater improvisation workshop 25-26 January 2025
19 Feb – 02 March 2024 2 Week Ensemble Improvisation Training EDEN***** Studios, Berlin contact: info* more info…
20-21 January 2024 Saturday & Sunday Weekend Action Theater™ improvisation training contact: info* more info…
Stagefright/ Lampenfieber Workshop “You find yourself in front of an audience, believing that what you are doing is not interesting or doesn’t merit attention. Perhaps you begin to feel ashamed, or sad, or small. Precisely at that instant comes a great opportunity: you can empty out at that instant, you can see your judgment as…
An audience. An empty stage. No preconceived plans nor ideas. Sounds like chaos? Not at all. Instead you encounter the most skilled crafting of time and space by a group of highly qualified improvisers from all over the world. The 2017 NOW! Festival — Action Theater™ & Improvisation — brings its 5th year 2-7 May…
Publikum. Eine leere Bühne. Keine vorgefassten Pläne. Klingt nach Chaos? Ganz und gar nicht. Stattdessen begegnen Sie dem geschicktesten Fügen von Raum und Zeit durch eine Gruppe hochqualifizierter Improvisationskünstler aus aller Welt, die als Workshop-Leiter und als Performer agieren. Das NOW! Festival 2017 – Action Theater™ & Improvisation – bringt seine 5. Ausgabe vom 2.-7.…
Performance Sunday 7th of May | 20.00 The Next One Solo For me, a solo is a blank space waiting to be filled — nothing but amorphous potential. There are many ways to fill this space, many tools I could use. Most of us tend to stuff it as full as possible. As the years…
Performance Sunday 7th of May | 20.00 Reset • Peter Trotman Solo The nagging idea that we can walk away and begin afresh no matter how messy our world has become… Tickets Peter Trotman has been described as the black prince of improvisers because the tales he weaves are often darkly gothic and embedded in…
Performance Sunday 7th of May | 20.00 Times Like This • Kate Hilder Solo My practice is to listen and respond to what is present: sensations, images, feelings and my environment. My performances often involve a collection of different elements: movement, stories, memories, sound, songs and stillness. The emotional tone usually takes priority over the narrative…